Friday, March 23, 2007

The lawyers who say NO!

A while ago I was reading an article at Dr.Dobb’s Journal from Scott Ambler (see his profile at IBM) here. I suggest you guys to read it as well if you haven’t yet.

It actually points out a hidden impediment which is an obstacle to many of software development teams that try to exercise IID (Iterative and Incremental Development); the lawyers who say NO!
Before I continue I must remind you that what you read here is my personal opinion and you might find it incorrect or disagree with. Well, that’s what the comments are for. I believe as a reader, it’s your obligation to share your opinion with the writer and other fellow readers.

“Lawyers who say NO!” is a metaphor for those people who approve the project’s funding which can be the customer itself, those who audit project’s compliance with what is planed business-wise, and those real lawyers who make the contract with customers. The message this article is trying to send is no matter how much you, as a software specialist, try to fix your process and development methods in order to mitigate the risks and achieve the goals, there will be non-technical obstacles that can make your efforts worthless. Unless everybody involved in the project has the same understanding of what has to be done and how (of course with their own point of view and different levels of details).

Customers and project investors need to understand the fact that that a close cooperation with the development team is the key role they can play in the success of a project and eventually getting a better ROI from the product.
Moreover, having a right governance process with which development methodology can be aligned and can resolve the potential clashes between technical and business views is crucial. Because business success partially rests on successful delivery of software products, business executives need to understand how their investments in information technology and software development are paying off. They demand visibility and accountability. That's where the governance shows up. I say partially because user experience is more than a good looking and bug-free software application.

So as you can see delivering a successful project requires a right collaboration process in place. Note that this is in addition to having a suitable Development Methodology and Governance Process.


Scott W, Ambler said...

Governance is definitely a critical issue, one that is often underappreciated by developers. I wrote a column on this a little over a year ago at which looks at governance from an agile point of view.

- Scott

Unknown said...


I appreciate the comment and the provided link.
I'm sure it will improve the vision of many of our fellow developers and architects about IID.

- Amir